Three weeks ago Mum fell over in the bathroom. Dad couldn't lift her because he had severe back pain. Anyway, they called an ambulance and a few hours later, we learned she had broken her hip. She had surgery that night, but ten days later she was still confused and disoriented and was deemed unrehab-able. Two weeks later she was placed in a Nursing home right across town.
I should say from the outset that it sounds like it's a lovely place and has lots of excellent activities for the residents. They have a room which is filled with memorabilia from the 40s and 50s that the residents can visit and even rearrange to their heart's content.
But at precisely the same time that all of this was happening, we had confirmation that Dad's back pain and prostate trouble were indeed linked. It has spread to his bones - hence the pain of the last few months. It has played havoc with his appetite and his sleep too. He hasn't been traveling at all well.
Right now, he's battling on at home on his own and his doctors are trying to find him a pain regimen that works. His urologist actually made a house call last week! Now that's not something that happens every day.
I'm lucky that Lynda has things well in hand. She's arranged the ACAT ( Aged Care Assessment Team) assessment for him, but he only comes up as requiring Low level care at this stage. (Mum is in a High Care facility). And she's been taking him to his doctor's appointments and acting as interpreter because his hearing is so poor.
She keeps my updated - and at this stage, no news is good news. I've told her I'll come over if she needs me to. But for now I'm sitting tight - and hoping for the best.
In other developments, Andrea has moved back home temporarily. The contents of their flat are currently in my garage. She has relinquished her flat and plans to join her boyfriend, Rob in Queensland in a month's time. He's gone north looking for trade work and she is finishing off her Cert III in Hospitality down here.
He's already found something and it has good prospects. It looks as though they might end up on the Gold Coast, so she will have no difficulties getting work in the food industry - It is Oz' holiday mecca after all.
It's been lovely having her here at home and I will miss her greatly when she goes. But this is a wonderful adventure for the two of them - and I wouldn't dream of trying to stop her.
At least my boys are still around...
But I sure wish that Nick would get a job.