Tuesday, December 22, 2009

The week before Christmas.

The kids' long vacation started on Thursday. They don't go back to school until mid Feb now!
Andrea's got herself a job at a coffee shop near her boyfriend's place. I guess I won't be seeing too much of her over the holidays. Chris comes home on Wednesday and returns to the group home on the 5th Jan.

I'm into my last week at work before I take some leave. I'm only taking the three days between Christmas and New Year, which when combined with public holidays and weekends will give me about a 10 day break when I go back on the 4th. .... and I really will get out into the garden and get that weeding done.

The car and the floors are still clamouring for some attention. But there is the reading - and the writing that call out even louder.


I am SUCH a bad housekeeper!

I think I've finally got the last of the Chrissie shopping done today. Woo hooo!
Now we have to start the cooking frenzy.

Andrea is going to make some White Christmas and some Rumballs - like we need such rich foods in the middle of Summer, As a concession to the weather, we will have an ice cream Plum Pdding and our family favourite - Trifle. yum with our roast dinner. ( Crazy I know - but delicious.)

I've had my new glasses for nearly two weeks now. I have really struggled with the multifocal aspect of them this time around. I think I'm finally getting the hang of them now. Things don't waver or swim in and out of focus quite so much. I still struggle with looking down at the floor or stairs - and reading in bed with them simply doesn't work.

On the other hand, they do look quite nice IMHO that is.

Now - on another subject. I discovered the hard way - as I was dressing for a work social function on Friday - that I seriously have hardly anything fit to wear. It is either too old, too small or too goddam awful to leave the house in.

It seems that my very worthy goal of losing some weight before buying any new stuff has come back to bite me on the bum. At this rate I'll be in rags before I buy anything new.

The thing is I HATE going to buy clothes. I always come away from the fluoro lit changing rooms ready to slash my wrists! Every saggy bit, every lump and bump is shown in vivid detail, and have you noticed that when the stores have the mirrors front and back - well isn't that just so much better for your ego?

And here we have Christmas around the corner. ... the natural enemy of the dieter.


Have a safe Christmas.


  1. I hear you on teh clothes shopping thing. This is why I wear clothes that would ahve been fashionable... umm... never mind!

    Ice-cream plum pudding sounds delish! We do the traditional dinner here, no matter the weather. It's jsut soemthing we do. When we have dinner at a brother's place not so much but you know how folk's get stuck in their way lol. I might need to borrow that recipe from you. I was thinking of doing something similar - putting some toffee through ice-cream - but nto sure yet.

    Anyway, hope you have a nice break away from work and a wonderful Christmas Day. Oh and enjoy te weeding... if that's possible lol


  2. Cheryl, I feel sure you'll get that weeding done ... someday. I don't believe I'll hold my breath, lol.

    And oh lord, I can relate to the clothes shopping! Even when money is available for extras, I don't do it, it's just too depressing. Oh God, and I HATE shopping for bras!!

    We're having the pinch cake (I refuse to call it Monkey!)for our dessert; it's cold enough to freeze your ninnies off here, as John would say, lol, so ice cream, etc. will not be missed.

    Have a great Holiday/vacation Cheryl. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


  3. I shop online and therefore: no mirrors!

    Happy holidays Cheryl. Kisses and huggles and all those things.
