Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New Years resolution - enacted!

Yes it is happening.

I decided it was way past time to de-clutter my life and my home. It was time to clear out years of accumulated crap from the house I’d lived in since it was new – in 1982.

I’d read a book on de-cluttering, gotten sick of not being able to move around in my garage, so I said to myself ‘I can do this.’ So after a quick phone around to check on prices, I arranged for a large skip to be delivered to my front yard on Friday afternoon

There it sat on Friday night, squatting in my front yard, looking ominously large. What had I let myself in for?

We had it for a week and by the end of it we had cleaned out the attic, sorted out the wardrobes, had a decent crack at emptying the garage and the storage in its roof, plus sorted out the garden shed. I’d also gotten two car loads off to the City Mission, offered the trampoline to the RSPCA (for the dogs) which is yet to be collected, and a stack of children’s books to a colleague.

There is still a bit of a way to go, but even though the skip has gone, I’m continuing the good fight.

The thing is that we’ve done the easy stuff. Now it’s the tricky – ‘too-good-to-throw-out-or-give-away,-but-will-I-ever-use-it again?’ items. Perhaps eBay is the answer – if I can be arsed.
I’ve offered Nick the proceeds from the sale of these items – if he sells them for me.

I had a weekend away from the clean up two weekends ago. I flew to Sydney to meet up with some internet friends. I had a ball - but I digress. I’ll tell you about my interstate adventures to be titled ‘An Aussie Diva's Soggy Tattoo and Old Farts’ Concert Weekend.’ next time.

When I came back from Sydney, I attacked the medicine cabinet and threw out a garbage bag of out of date medicines, potions and lotions. I mean why would I keep a bottle of expired eye drops? It's not like I'm ever going to risk putting them in my eye! It’s actually quite tidy now. I wonder how long I'll be able to keep it like that.

As of last night I was also finally able to park my car back in the garage. There might be three or four boxes still requiring my attention, but I can feel that I’m almost there.

De-cluttering is very empowering. I suspect it is one of the only advantages to moving home a lot. You get the chance to de-clutter every time you move - not that I would know. My parents have lived in the same house since 1963. They thought about moving a year or so ago, but the prospect of disposing of a lifetime of accumulated stuff gave them cold feet - and they've told my sister and me that we can deal with it when the time comes. Gee, thanks Mum and Dad.

I am determined I will not let it get as bad as that.

I feel stronger and more decisive for having made the decision to simplify and streamline my life. At this stage it is still about the tangible things, but I can see it might affect me at another, deeper level. For one thing I’ve noticed that I'm tidier at work now and I’m getting better at deleting emails. Not good yet, but getting better.

But it’s a good feeling.

Hmm next week – I think I'll tackle the Laundry room.


  1. I hope the urge to declutter is caused by a virus and I will be infectd. I've lived in this house since 1963 and I don't have room to.... well, whatever. I think I would be a new person... or an old person with a new outlook, if I started throwing things out. May your example continue to shine before us and may we be guilted into doing something!!! MJ

  2. Welcome back Cheryl. I'm glad you're feeling a little more control. It's the best feeling in the world.


  3. I've lived in my little house for almost 40 years, and for almost 40 years we've been stuffing things in the attic. Out of sight, out of mind.

    Now we're too damn old to get up there, much less clean. We'll leave the house to the kids and let them worry about it. Michael should OD on the many boxes of books! ;-)

    I have detrashed small areas in the past. And then within weeks or months, need the very thing I've thrown out. *sigh*
