Friday, November 6, 2009

It's all happening this weekend

The first week of February is going to be great. Sue and her husband Dave are coming downunder to join a Cruise and we are going to meet up in Sydney and do some touristy thingsbefore they sail.
The Taronga Park Zoo is on our must- see list

When I talked about taking a few days off work to meet her, my boss told me that the Beach Boys will be there that weekend playing with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra at the Sydney Operal House!

I asked Sue and David, plus my Sydney-based concert Diva mate, Jen to come along.
There were some excellent seats left for the Saturday, which I was tempted to book, but didn't.

I didn't want to get stuck with them. so held off. Of course they were gone by this morning, but I managed to get four very reasonable seats in the stalls a few rows further back.

I've never seen a show at the Opera House before. This is something for the bucket list. I think it will be awesome with a capital A.

I have to thank Michael, my boss, for the heads up. Brilliant timing for us, eh? Roll on Feb. I say.

On the other hand, this weekend is not going to be long enough for me to do everything I want (or need to do)

The weeds in the garden have reached new heights of juicy lushness. I must kill them (or at least maim them severely) or pay for a man to come around and do it for me.

I have to finish off making some hand made Christmas Cards I'm doing for Giant Steps to sell. There's about a hundred or so.

The rush of blood to my head that produced my last chapter has waned. Plus I lost the first draft somewhere - and have already wasted too much time trying to find it. Sighh... will have to start again.

Then as if I didn't have enough on, Miss Snark's FV has a new comp. 51 first 250 words to critique. I try to do a bunch, because I learn so much from the exercise. I will make an effort to do a few at least

I guess I'm going to have to prioritize.

Housework? What's that?

I spoke to Andrea today. She popped into work to say Hi. She's been at her boyfriend's all week. I can't say I'm happy about that, but what can I say. She's almost 18 and a putting down of the foot will not end well - if I know my daughter.

Anyway, she's feeling pretty pleased with herself because she's been offered two waitressing jobs and has an interview for a third on Monday. Now if she can just get her driver's licence underway, she'll be set.

1 comment:

  1. Guess who just found you Cheryl. Go on... I'll give you a clue.


    Haven't read everything yet but will be good to catch up with the news from your side of the big brown land.

    Welcome to blogsville and good luck with your weekend tasks.

