Saturday, November 28, 2009

New glasses and reading

So not a lot has changed since I last wrote here. It was work as usual this week, the housework still beckons - but I steadfastly ignore it - and the weeds I mentioned last time are winning the war (my fingernails are the main casualty).

On the accomplishment side of the ledger, I have however made another hundred cards for Giant Steps, I've had an eye test and am awaiting my new glasses and I read six books from Christina Dodd's Governess series this week- which took some doing. But more about her later.

I feel great about the cards; they are a nice little fundraiser for the school. Needing new glasses didn't surprise me. My long vision seems to be a little worse each time I see the optometrist, but I'm looking forward to getting my new trendy frames in about ten days. Unfortunately my drivers licence expires this week and I'm going to have to take my renewal photo wearing the old frames. Sighhh. And we all know how the Driver's licence photo is such a keeper!

But back to my reading blitz this week.

I feel kinda let down by this author. I lurve connected books and I was looking forward to reading the first six in her Governess series on the strength of her earlier Medieval novels.

The medievals are very good, but I have to say I've found this series and her other historicals quite a let down.

Often she'll start off very strongly and I'm filled with optimism, and then either the characters do an unexpected about- face in behaviour or the plot becomes derailed with poorly executed plot twists and rushed/unbelievable endings.
And don't get me started on the use of modern language in these latter books! Grr.

Give me Loretta Chase or Liz Carlyle any day. Their plotting is always good and her characters totally believable and engaging. But I've already read all of their books.


  1. Cheryl - you got you a blog!! Woo hoo!!

  2. Eyesight failing? Maybe 6 books in a week isn't helping it.
