Wednesday, November 4, 2009

My muse, she went missing

My muse was MIA for weeks and it was giving me the absolute shits. I'd sit down at the computer and nothing was coming. I felt as though I was pulling teeth with every word.

I don't know if she went missing because I was doing a lot of reading, preferring to read others' words than churning out my own; that the story has hit that saggy middle section all aspiring authors dread, or perhaps I am simply over the FF trope?

When I wrote my last story I could write four or five chapters a week - every week. I wish I could say the same about this story. It's not that I dislike it, but it hasn't quite hit the same chord with me as that earlier one.

Let me just say, it took me three weeks to write a recent chapter and another week to write the one after that. But then, late last night my muse came back and in three hours I had a workable chapter.

Whoo hoo!

I felt like smiling all day. It's that kind of thing that keeps me going with this writing caper.

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