Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Panic at the Drive through

Have you ever noticed that the writing on the menus at your McDonalds Drive through is getting smaller?

Or is it just that my eyesight is getting worse?

I suspect it's the latter.

We decided that we were going to have one of those new Angus burgers that have been advertised on the Telly, so I drove down to our local Maccas. But do you think that I could damn well read the board before the disembodied voice emerges from the loudspeaker and demands my order. Not on your life!

It's panic stations! I can't see the tiny writing and I have to give an order - like right now.
What size meal do I want? What kind of drink? Ahh the pressure is getting to me. I can't cope.

And the only reason we were having Maccas is because I couldn't decide what to cook for tea. Gahhh! Decisions Decisions.

So, do you think I could remember which Angus burger I wanted? Is it the the Grand or the Mighty that comes with the salad? Shit, how am I supposed to remember when I can't even see that tiny writing on the board two cars ahead of us? And the queue behind us is growing by the minute.

Oh it's all too much.

So I end up ordering the first thing that popped into my mind... the Mighty and I really wanted the one with the salad. yeah, the other one.

That'll teach me.

Next time I'll bloody ask, and hang the queue behind me.

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