Sunday, October 25, 2009


Our seats were astonishingly good for that first show. We were right next to the catwalk on the left side with only 3 or four rows ( if you can call them that) in front of us.
The only drawback – and I’m being really picky here - was that when they walked down to the front of the horseshoe shaped catwalk to sing, we had to choose whether to swivel around in our seats to watch their rear ends or gaze at the big screen to see their faces.

It was a bit of a toss up at times, but I have to admit that their rear ends are eminently watchable.

As I mentioned, I was still a little shell shocked by our Meet and Greet experience and found myself reliving it several times over, feeling alternately exhilarated and aghast at my cheek at giving him my story.

My state of mind wasn’t helped by the sight of the guys walking along the catwalk beaming out at the audience and making eye contact willy nilly – and when I scored a smile or two – that was enough to make me come over ‘all a doo-dah’ again.

I was further distracted by the choice of watching one or more of the three TV screens in front of us – or the performers themselves. I had to keep reminding myself to watch THEM. I can see film of them anytime.

The images on the middle screen were interesting to say the least. I have NO idea what they meant – and if anything, they were a little hypnotic. They had a kind of black and white movie, Greta Garbo vibe going on – and everything happened in slow motion. For example there was an image of a woman that didn’t move a muscle. I mean, any muscle – until she blinked. It was freaky! The burning dresses in the background of La Promessa were particularly baffling and Jen, the ladies in the row behind us and I spent some time talking about it in the interval.

These ladies were hard core fans and had memorised the entire running order of the show thanks to the ID forum. They were quite vocal in their appreciation – and hooted and hollered between songs. I’m sure my ear was still ringing the next day.

We had a drink afterwards with these ladies as the queue for cabs was ridiculous. We learned they had come from Sydney especially for the show. But then we discovered how small a world it can be. One had worked with Jen in Sydney and another works only two blocks from where Jen works now. Since they and Jen are also going to the Sydney shows, they plan to catch up again there.

But back to the show.
Once I decided not to look at the back drop any more, I managed to focus on the men themselves.
I enjoyed the song selections, the banter between songs was far less cheesy than before – and that was a good thing.

The first thing I noticed about the singing was how much stronger David’s and Seb’s voices had become since we last saw them.
But more than that, I was taken by how much David puts out on stage. I’m not suggesting that the others coast along at all. In fact, the strength of Carlos voice is astonishing (even when he’s not using the claw) But David pushes himself SO hard. There were times he was belting out the top notes with all of his strength and almost bending over to push out the last few ounces of air in his lungs. It made me realise what hard work it must be. I swear the man must be exhausted after every show show.

We were thrilled with our night and it took an age to come down off our Divo cloud

We spent Sunday morning in Adelaide, but decided to head off to the airport a little earlier than necessary. Adelaide struck us as a very long airport for its size and while we were walking along the concourse to get to our gate, Jen spotted a casually dressed Urs, carrying his guitar and chatting with a female tour member. There were no fans around; in fact the concourse was virtually empty. I could even hear his voice from a distance (but not what he was saying.)

Then – moments later, the aircraft started boarding for Melbourne and the moment was gone.

At the time I knew I could have taken a photo of him, but it all just seemed too intrusive really – and I couldn’t bring myself to do it. So we let the chance pass – and settled down to wait for our flight, feeling like we’d ‘missed him by THAT much’

Ahh well.

Next stop Melbourne.

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