Sunday, October 25, 2009

Checking out

While on the dual subject of traveling and Divos, I wrote this piece of nonsense a while ago.

Checking out

As Cosmo, the most junior Bell Boy employed at this most prestigious four star hotel arrived for work early one morning, he was given a job sheet with detailed instructions on bringing down the luggage for the VIP Il Divo party in time for their early morning flight.

For some reason – known only to his supervisor - Cosmo was directed to go to the man in room 507 first ….and to the one in 508 last.
It seemed odd to do it that way, thought Cosmo. These rooms were next to each other after all. But he didn't have enough seniority to start questioning his boss’ wisdom on such matters.

Cosmo took the empty trolley up in the lift to room 507. He knocked twice, stepped back from the door and self consciously tugged at his snug, dress-military style jacket as he waited for the door to open.

‘Ah you’re here.’ said the occupant, a man dressed in denims.

‘Must be one of the support crew.’ thought Cosmo as he stepped into the room.

‘Your luggage, Sir?' he asked politely, wondering how much luggage he would be taking from here.

‘Of course.’ said the man, gesturing to the young man to follow him into the room.

‘I’ll just zip up my suitcase.’ said Urs. ‘If you could give me a moment to check I’ve got everything.’

Then in an orderly fashion, Urs methodically checked under the bed, on and in the bedside table, in the drawers and cupboards. Declaring himself satisfied, he closed the suitcase lid and fastened it … but not before Cosmo had noticed that everything was extraordinarily neatly folded and organised to the extent that shoes were in plastic bags and his T shirts – of which there seemed to be many - were arranged by colour.

Cosmo took the black suitcase he’d been handed and put it on the trolley. Next he was passed a guitar case, which he put next to the case and then raised his eyebrows as if to ask … ‘Is there anything else?’

Urs indicated there was only his small leather and canvas carry on bag that lay on the chair – and dropping his i-pod and sunglasses into it, declared himself good to go.
His final act was to give Cosmo a tip and ushering Cosmo out of the room ahead of him and saying he would see him downstairs, he picked up his room card and walked down the hallway.

Remembering his instructions, Cosmo pushed on and only stopped when he reached room 510.

When Cosmo knocked on Carlos’ door he heard a voice bellow out ‘Si! Momento.’
Cosmo stood back from the door and waited obediently, wondering what this next pick-up would be like. He hoped it would be as smooth as the first one. He was a little surprised at the sight that greeted him when the door opened.

The occupant appeared to have just finished dressing and was wearing a black polo shirt that had not yet been tucked in. He was however wearing a pair of well cut jeans and looked as though he took great pride in his appearance the way he was smoothing his shirt now. His hair was still wet, the black curls glistening in the room light and he'd been trying to put on his watch as he let Cosmo in. He also looked a little flustered.

Cosmo looked past him into the room. His suitcase was still open and appeared to be only three quarters full. There were still objects lying on the bed waiting to be packed.

Carlos gestured for Cosmo to come in and wait. ‘I only have my toiletries to pack.’ he explained.
He hastily disappeared into the bathroom and Cosmo heard clanking and clattering going on for some time, and wondered how many products this man used each day.

Carlos emerged from the bathroom, his arms laden with pots and potions and he proceeded to carefully place them into a large waterproof carry all. He then stowed that equally carefully into the top of his luggage. He zipped up the bag, then turned to Cosmo, and directed him to be very careful with this bag. He indicated that there had been an unfortunate breakage at an earlier stop and it had taken forever to get the smell out of his other things, wrinkling his nose in distaste at the memory.

Cosmo warily loaded the navy blue suitcase onto his trolley, assuring its owner that he would indeed be careful. Carlos handed him a gratuity and said 'Gracias'.


Consulting his written instructions, Cosmo rolled the trolley back to room 509 door and knocked on Mr Miller’s door. A whirlwind on legs greeted him and Cosmo entered the room, looking
dazedly around him.

A large blue suitcase lay on the bed – quite empty - and lying all around were small electrical appliances, some still plugged in to power outlets. Keeping up a steady stream of conversation, David proceeded to quickly and efficiently turn off his computer and put it into its case, unplug his battery charger, untangling it from his phone charger and stowed them all into a side pocket. A handi-cam had lain next the computer and David proceeded to pack it into its zip-up case.
Once all of these items were safely stowed in his overnight bag, David stood back, looking quite satisfied at his handiwork.

Cosmo coughed discreetly. David looked over at him – he had almost forgotten Cosmo was there.
‘Ahem … clothes.’ said Cosmo indicating the empty suitcase.

David rolled his eyes and laughed. ‘Yeah, trust me to forget something important.’ and he went to the drawers and simply picked up the contents of the drawer in his arms in one fell swoop - and dropped it into the suitcase.

Three drawers later, David was packed.

‘Oh no. hang on.’ exclaimed David and then raced into the bathroom and emerged zipping up a small toiletry bag.

‘Can’t forget these.’ he grinned disarmingly and chucked it into the case.

Then without any further ado, he closed the lid and zipped it shut.
‘Here you go, Buddy,’ he said and passed Cosmo his hastily packed bags and a tip.


Feeling more than intrigued by now, Cosmo arrived at the last member’s room, wondering what the fourth man of this troupe might be doing. He was greeted by a genial looking Frenchman, who had a steaming cup of coffee in his hand. He looked relaxed and unhurried by the presence of the Bell Boy, even though Cosmo knew he had to get this luggage downstairs in less than five minutes.

Looking past him, Cosmo suddenly thought he understood why. Standing next to the bed, was the first guest he’d seen, patiently folding clothing and packing for the Frenchman.

‘Seb! Get your toiletries, mon ami.’ directed Urs, and Seb obediently went into the bathroom and emerged a few moments later with his shaving kit and toiletries in a bag.

‘Is that everything?’ asked Urs.

Sebastien shrugged and said, ‘I think so.’ and Urs fixed him with a hard look.

Sebastien said ‘I’ll go back and check, shall I?’

Urs nodded and continued packing the bag.

‘It’s all there.’ said Seb triumphantly and Urs closed the bag and passed it over to Cosmo, shaking his head and murmuring ‘Don’t ask. It’s just easier this way.’


His pockets newly lined with generous tips from his VIP guests this morning, Cosmo trundled the luggage down the hallway and took the lift to the ground floor. He wondered how four such different men, with such varied personalities could possibly get along - and it was clear that they did - when he arrived downstairs and saw Urs and Sebastien cheerfully greet the other two men.

But it was nothing to do to with him he figured, and he busied himself loading the luggage into the waiting minivan.

It was just another day in the life of a bell boy....

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