Thursday, October 22, 2009

When the Divos came to town and the Divas hit the tiles

I guess this blog needs to start somewhere. Here's the most exciting thing that's happened to me in a while.

My Divo experiences in Adelaide and Melbourne October 2009. Part 1


My fellow Diva, Jen won the Adelaide Meet and Greet upgrade - and I was lucky enough to be her invited guest! This meant we met the guys before the show along with all of the others who had paid for the privilege.

We were told we could give them gifts but that they were not giving out autographs. No kissing or hugging was allowed either, since they were dressed and ready to go on stage. Then we were told we weren't allowed to jumble up their order for the photos (might have confused the poor lambs y'see).

I needed a stiff drink at this point just to keep all of that straight in my head, so I grabbed a glass of champagne and spent my time in the queue trying to think of something terribly clever to say. Unfortunately the champers didn't help one bit - and all I was was a little too flushed for my own good.

When they made their entrance, they were utterly charming to the crowd. They even smiled as though they meant it. Personally, I couldn't think of a worse way to spend the last hour before going on stage. Anyway, they received gifts and beamed for the camera - and each person had about 20 seconds to shake hands and make an everlasting impression ( yeah right).

It was quite amusing to watch the way some fans refused to let go of the outer two's hands for their photos- much to the inner two's chagrin.

Now, as I waited in line and watched them being given gifts such as flags of their own countries (in case they forget where they're from yanno), I stowed my copy of their book that I had hoped they might sign in my bag and brought out a copy of a long, short story that I'd written last year when I was having radiotherapy, which I packed on a whim.

It had been inspired by Sebastien. Even though it had been written about my illness, it is quite a funny story. It had been un-Divoed by now, but I thought it he might enjoy it.

So now I've really got something to be nervous about and I watch the queue speed up (or is it just my imagination? ) and I know my face is at least as red as my cherry coloured top.

'Dammitall - it's too late to panic now! Get a grip, woman!' I take a big breath... and move forward - into the breach as it were.

David was first up and I shook his hand. I did have a faint hope that he might have recalled our Brisbane airport meeting from two and half years ago, but wasn't too surprised that he didn't show any sign of recognition. I proceeded to get half a sentence out before my brain totally froze.

'Hello' I said. It's nice to see you someplace other than a ......OMG I can't think!'

I managed to stumble out the rest of the sentence and quickly shake the others' hands. I have NO idea what I said to them at this point.

Then, knowing this was now or never, I turned back to Sebastien, held out my folded sheaf of paper to him and as he took it, I told him that it was a short story I'd written and that it had been inspired by him.

He looked quite chuffed at that. Smug even!

I added that I hoped he might enjoy reading it, making sure I said it casually. I mean I didn't want to sound needy or anything. LOL

Then I told him I'd had a rough year last year and why. Bless him, he looked instantly sympathetic. I'm reliably told that at this point, the others are listening in too, but I'm not paying attention to them. I have Sebastien's undivided attention.

Then I told him the important part. 'It was your music, your website and writing that helped me get through that time.'

He seemed really touched by that and he looked me straight in the eye and said. 'I will most definitely read it then.' and then he looked really concerned and said. 'I hope you enjoy the show.' with the emphasis most definitely on the 'hope'.

I was totally charmed. This guy is a sweetheart (and I'm not even a particular Siren!)

I think I said, 'I'm sure I shall' and then turned to face the camera. But I honestly felt too shaken to even smile properly.

I was whisked outside and waited for Jen to have her moment. We then headed for our seats and blow me down, they are right next to the catwalk.
They were brilliant seats; we know we'll never get better.

But we were wrong, our Melbourne seats were inside the catwalk!

Next, I'll tell you about the actual shows

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